Strata-Mecanica was launched in April of this year to provide knowledge, data and computational capabilities for many geomechanical applications in well and reservoir engineering. In May we enhanced the Data Engineering side with the addition of tools for Angola that will result in a more complete coverage of West Africa. Strata-Mecanica is now able to support users with more capabilities covering major oil & gas producing areas around the world.
The Engineering Computations side of the portal will have the addition of a capability to forecast production and production decline profiles for oil fields in the UKCS, based on data from over 240 fields and 40 years of production it includes prediction of production rates and production decline profiles, GOR, WOR and CoP throughout the UK Continental Shelf. A great tool for operators entering the United Kingdom side of the North Sea and needing to have effective tools to predict and evaluate the production conditions and economics of potential new and existing field development activities.